Source For Wellness

Practitioner Grade Supplements

Please arrange pick up at our Stoney Creek location 905 923 4325 

Multi Vitamins

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$ 35 CAD

Multi Vite provides a broad spectrum of natural vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes and synergistic nutrients in the proportions needed by the body for the most efficient utilization and for assisting in the
maintenance of overall health. Optimum nutritional status is essential in order to reduce high blood pressure, allergies and infections, and to facilitate bone and connective tissue metabolism. A deficiency in vitamins and minerals will result in a compromised immune system and will have a direct impact on physiological and emotional health. Multi Vite provides the cells and tissues with optimal amount of nutrients necessary for the maintenance of a healthy endocrine, immune and musculo-skeletal system, and is indicated for preventing colds and flus, ear infections, inflammations and respiratory tract infections.

90 Tablets


Multi Minerals

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$ 27.50 CAD

Multi Mins provides a broad spectrum of essential macrominerals and microminerals in a well-balanced ratio for efficient utilization and for maximum nutritional support of cellular health. Adequate amounts of both macrominerals and microminerals are required for the formation and maintenance of physical structure, strong immunity, and resistance to disease. Low levels of these minerals are often associated with impaired enzyme function, heavy metal toxicity, and vegetarian and vegan diets. Multi Mins is indicated for bone and tooth formation, chelation therapy, heavy metal toxicity, chemotherapy and radiation, and for impaired enzyme function. The capsules are 100% pure vegetable-sourced. Product ideal for vegans.

90 Vegetable Capsules


Vitamin B

$ 25 CAD

Multi B provides a high potency hypoallergenic B-complex formula in the optimal ratio required by the body to metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and for assisting with nervous system and endocrine dysfunctions. Studies show that B-complex vitamins supply the cell with energy and nutrients, making them vital for proper adrenal, immune and nervous system functions, especially during periods of prolonged stress. Multi B is indicated for insomnia, stress, anxiety, adrenal insufficiency, chronic fatigue, and viral and bacterial infections; for proper endocrine, immune and nervous system functions; and for premenstrual symptoms such as fluid retention, irritability, sugar cravings and mood swings. Product ideal for vegetarians.

60 Tablets


Vitamin C

$ 35 CAD

C1000 provides the purest source of vitamin C and a wide range of bioflavonoids to ensure maximum antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Studies show that insufficient intake of vitamin C results in an increased susceptibility to connective tissue injury and deterioration, and may lead to the development of cardiovascular disease. Bioflavonoids enhance the absorption of vitamin C, protect, strengthen, maintain and repair collagen, capillaries and connective tissue, and possess powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and chelating agents. C1000 is indicated for viral infections, heavy metal toxicity, cardiovascular disorders, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, for promoting burn and wound healing; and for enhancing immune system function. Product ideal for vegetarians.

120 Tablets


Vitamin D

$ 17.50 CAD

Vitamin D production is reduced when there is a decrease in the intensity of the sun’s rays. There are very few dietary sources of vitamin D, especially if consumed sparingly. Vitamin D is a factor in the maintenance of good health. It helps in the development and maintenance of bones and teeth; helps in the absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus; and helps to prevent vitamin D deficiency.

90 Vegetable Capsules


B12 and Folic Acid

$ 20 CAD

Vitamin B12 + Folic Acid provides these two nutrients in a precleaved formula, prepared with intrinsic factor, to ensure quick and efficient absorption, and to assist with fetal development, anemia and digestive difficulties. Studies show that vitamin B12 and folic acid are vital in the synthesis of RNA and DNA, cell and body growth, fetal development, and for the prevention of anemia. Vitamin B12 + Folic Acid is indicated for the relief of symptoms associated with irritability, depression, fatigue, headaches, and anemia; and for vegetarians and those individuals with nutrient deficient diets.

60 Tablets



$ 25 CAD

SEP EFA contains a high concentration of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from anchovy, sardine and salmon oils for maximum support and maintenance of cardio-vascular and neurological health. Studies show that EPA is needed by the body for the production of PG3 prostaglandins, which possess potent anti-clotting and aggregating properties. Deficiency in essential fatty acids may cause hardening of the arteries and heart, leading to cardiovascular disease. SEP EFA is indicated for conditions associated with cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension, angina, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, strokes, arrhythmias, arterial plaque buildup, high cholesterol and blood clotting; and for diabetic complications such as retinal damage, gangrene and kidney disorders.

90 Softgel Capsules 



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$ 1 CAD

Phyto Greens Capsules provides a broad spectrum of plant extracts which are high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and enzymes, needed for proper detoxification and optimum nutritional status. Research shows that environmental pollutants, lack of exercise and inadequate nutrition lead to increased instances of allergies, and parasitic and bacterial infections. Phyto Greens Capsules is indicated for fatigue, nervousness, irritability, hypoglycemia, diabetes, stomach and duodenal ulcers, intracellular toxic overload, and for irritable bowel syndrome including colitis and Crohn’s disease. The capsules are 100% pure vegetable-sourced. Product ideal for vegetarians.

180 Vegetable Capsules


Digestive enzymes

$ 20 CAD

Bromelain Papain+ combines two powerful protein digesting and anti-inflammatory enzymes along with pancreatic enzymes for optimum digestive activity and to help all inflammatory processes. As proteolytic enzymes, bromelain and papain are similar to human vascular plasminogen activator, exerting the same powerful anti-inflammatory properties as NSAIDS without stimulating antibody responses. Bromelain Papain+ is indicated for digestive disorders such as bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn and celiac disease; for inflammatory conditions, including physical trauma, surgical procedures, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, tonsillitis, allergies, asthma and respiratory infections; and for the breakdown of scar tissue, bone fractures and tooth infections.

60 Tablets



$ 35 CAD

HMF Forte provides two strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium lactis, along with fructooligosaccharides to specifically assist in re-establishing and maintaining a normal intestinal microflora. Studies show that an overgrowth of opportunistic pathogens leads to a compromised immune system, resulting from immuno-suppressive and toxic influences such as impure water supply, antibiotics, processed foods, pesticides and stress. Stress upsets the delicate balance of the intestinal flora and imbalances of friendly bacteria, leading to autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. HMF Forte is a high-level maintenance probiotic formula indicated for individuals who use antibiotics, oral contraceptives, steroids and hormonal replacement therapy, and for extreme fatigue, allergies, yeast overgrowth, stress, hypercholesterolemia and indigestion. HMF Forte is highly recommended for long-term maintenance in individuals who are immuno compromised. The capsules are 100% pure vegetable-sourced. Product ideal for vegetarians.

60 Vegetable Capsules


Cal Mag Plus D

$ 22.50 CAD

Cal Mag + D provides a highly absorbable form of calcium and magnesium along with natural vitamin D for maximum absorption and utilization, and for proper support of the skeletal and cardiovascular systems. Calcium and magnesium play important roles in glucose metabolism and energy production, and function synergistically in the formation of bone and a variety of physiological functions. Cal Mag + D is indicated for tooth and bone retention and formation, muscular contraction and relaxation, hypertension, cardiac dysfunction, spasms, cramps, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

90 Tablets


Mag Cal formula 2

$ 22.50 CAD

Mag Cal Formula 2 provides magnesium and calcium in a 2:1 ratio, specifically formulated to assist with
efficient muscle contraction and relaxation. Studies show that magnesium is required in greater quantities to prevent muscle fibrillation and cramping during prolonged periods of physical activity, and is a natural calmative for both the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Muscle cramping may be caused by a high level of calcium molecules in the muscle. Magnesium acts in conjunction with other cellular mechanisms to remove excess calcium from muscle and restore it to a more relaxed state. Mag Cal Formula 2 is indicated for muscle cramps and relaxation, insomnia, nervousness, hypertension, premenstrual syndrome, periodontal disease, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, and for promoting muscular endurance during athletic activities.

90 Tablets


Echinacea Tincture

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$ 20 CAD

Echinacea combines synergistic herbs selected to specifically assist and detoxify the immune, hepatic and lymphatic systems. Studies show that inadequate white blood cell count, insufficient T-cell activity and poor lymphatic circulation will lead to a suppressed immune system function, resulting in chronic infections and disease. Echinacea Combo #1 is indicated for symptoms associated with an impaired immune system, and for colds, flus, swollen lymph nodes and glands, parotiditis, cellulitis, and chronic ear, nose and throat infections. Product ideal for vegans.

60 ml (2 fl oz)


Cats Claw tincture

$ 20 CAD

Cat’s Claw Tincture provides an excellent source of this herb, known also as Uña de Gato, widely used to protect cell membranes and stimulate the immune system. The immune function is impaired by abnormal microflora, diets high in sugar, fats and carbohydrates, and stress, which can lead to frequent and chronic infections. Cat’s Claw Tincture is indicated for immune dysfunctions, bacterial and viral infections, arthritis, cancer, tumors, and exposure to radiation, chemotherapy and environmental pollutants. Product ideal for vegans.

60 ml (2 fl oz)



$ 15 CAD

Iron provides an excellent source of this mineral for maximum absorption and utilization, and to assist with the synthesis of red blood cells. Studies show that stress, ulcers, hemorrhoids, intestinal parasites and cancer are associated with iron deficiency and hepatic insufficiency. Iron deficiency results in suppressed immunity and increased instances of infections and chronic degenerative disease. Adequate hepatic function is crucial for digestion, metabolism and detoxification. This formula is indicated for anemia, fatty degeneration of the liver, high cholesterol, hypertension and fatigue; increases the body’s resistance to stress; and aids in respiratory action. The capsules are 100% pure vegetable-sourced. Product ideal for vegans.

90 Vegetable Capsules



$ 15 CAD